What is Deadlock?

what is deadlock

One of the biggest names in the gaming industry, Valve, are back at it again with a brand new title – Deadlock. The company has released hit after hit, with famous games like Half-Life, Portal, Team Fortress, and Dota 2 highlighting their portfolio. Now they are back with an original new game – but what is Deadlock?

What is Deadlock? Valve’s New Game Explained

Deadlock is a mashup of genres that creates a new, exciting game. To put it simply, it’s a bit of a mix between Dota 2, Team Fortress 2, and Overwatch.

The game is played in a 6v6 format, with the core gameplay being a third-person shooter. However, the game also features heroes, skills, items, gold, and last-hitting (much like Dota), combined with the shooter elements of games like Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch. The map is laid out in a MOBA-esque format, with four lanes that feature waves of creeps, towers, and a base that needs to be destroyed. Alongside all this there are also neutral monsters, objectives, and a whole lot of complexity between movement, hero skills, the map itself, teamwork, and much more!

One fairly unique element of the game is that each lane has ‘rails’ – these start in each base and allow heroes to hop on and move down a lane very quickly. As you destroy towers in each lane and progress towards the enemy base, your rail expands, allowing you to return to base or the frontlines a lot faster.

All in all, the game seems like a unique take on multiple genres and it’s interesting to see how it will blend together. If anyone can make this kind of game work, it’s definitely Valve!

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